Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finding Myself in the "Praesepe"

"Praesepe" is the Latin word for manger. My boys and I went to the Kimbell Art Museum yesterday to see the "A Nativity from Naples" Exhibit and Reconstructing the Renaissance. We spent much time looking at this scene that is from the 18th and 19th centuries. The detail exquisite and the faces of the cast of characters engaging. We lingered to the point that it almost came to life!

As we walked through the galleries and enjoyed many Renaissance paintings, my oldest and I shared many moments that a Mother's heart will cherish. He began to pour out all that he had learned about the subject matter. I had a walking tour guide! I ate it up! My heart was filled with delight and reaffirmed as to why we are choosing this alternate method of schooling.

This past fall at a My Father's World conference my hubbie and I attended, I saw a vision of sorts. Our group was taking a little hike through dense woods and a leaf covered path. I saw HS like that. A path, not completely exposed, rocky, slick at times, scary with the unknown all around. However, I also saw the beauty of the hike, the path, the sun filtered through the light of brilliantly colored fall leaves, and places where others had walked. I wasn't alone. I was comforted. Yet, on those days when the hike is tough for me, I forget these things and hear the words of David Hazell of My Father's World, HS cirriculum, "Trust the program." (I've since changed the quote to personalize it a bit. "Trust the path." David liked the change.) =) Today, however, was a lovely day showing me the value of this path. The path of homeschooling works and I enjoyed today greatly. I'm truly not alone.

Which brings me back to the praesepe......we attended a lecture about this nativity and praesepes. In the 1200s as paintings of praesepes were created, interesting characters began to be included. St Francis of Assissi was portrayed in one example. I never understood that before. It seemed odd and unscriptural to add people to the Holy Family and the night Christ was born. However, after this lecture, I realized the "why" of this. People added themselves to the praesepe as a way of personalizing them. A visual example of Christ coming to them. And, for the first time, I saw myself as part of the praesepe. Christ has come! He has filled my heart with joy and I am delivered. My Deliverer in a manger! It's more than this little mind can fathom......and I'm so grateful. I'm beginning to see myself as apart of that night too. Who knows what our praesepe will look like next year? A camel, a shepherd, magi and The Robersons!

Thank you Lord for coming, for 2009, and for new understanding at how personal you are........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Blake made a lego nativity-very cool